2C-B-FLY: Effects, Dosage, How To Take It & More - TrippyWiki (2024)



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2C-B-FLY: Effects, Dosage, How To Take It & More - TrippyWiki (1)

What is 2C-B-FLY?

2C-B-FLY is a psychedelic substance of the of the phenethylamine and benzodihydrodifuran classes. Even though 2C-B FLY is structurally similar to 2C-B, the effects of those drugs are not the same.

Why choose 2C-B-Fly over other psychedelics?


  • Doesn’t seem to cause any damage to your organs and there is no known lethal dose
  • Doesn’t cause a “bad trip” as often as most other psychedelics
  • Works as an aphrodisiac
  • Allows you to have cleaner thoughts than if you were to take magic mushrooms, for example
  • Is one of the best psychedelics for beginner psychonauts
  • Is semi-legal to obtain in some countries

Long-term benefits & side effects

Many of the benefits will only occur if you follow the tips below.
Most (if not all) of the side effects are preventable and they will not happen if you follow the Safety checklist.


  • Is an effective way to treat depression and PTSD
  • Helps people socialize and overcome their social anxiety
  • Is being used to cure addictions
  • Might help you form positive habits, such as meditation and exercise
  • Increases neuroplasticity
  • Makes you more creative and open-minded
  • Helps you look at your life from a different perspective
  • Allows you to heal your childhood trauma and forgive people who’ve hurt you
  • Makes you more conscious and loving
  • Can help you transcend the fear of death
  • Gives you insights into the nature of reality
  • Can be used for treating autism
  • Makes you appreciate nature more
  • Is an effective way to treat cluster headaches
  • Might not be real 2C-B-Fly and can instead be a physically dangerous substance (Bromo-DragonFLY is a common substitute)
  • Has led to self-harm by people who took it in an unsafe environment
  • Might speed up the onset of schizophrenia if you’re genetically predisposed to it
  • Can cause HPPD and physical damage if you combine it with other substances (such as alcohol or stimulants)
  • Could cause you trauma due to bad set and setting
  • Might lead to drug-induced psychosis if you’re predisposed to it
  • Can be psychologically addictive (but only if you use the psychedelic recreationally)
  • Can cause seizures in rare cases
  • Is illegal in many places and you might get arrested for getting involved with the substance

How to take 2C-B-Fly


You can either buy 2C-B-Fly in a pill or a powder. If you can, choose powder. Not only is a powdered form more likely to be pure but the amount of 2C-B-Fly in a pill can also vary greatly. On average, the pill contains 20-40% less 2C-B-Fly than the dealer tells you.

Either way, it is best to test your substance with a Marquis Reagent Testing Kit before you put it in your mouth.


This method is the easiest and the most common.


Snorting 2C-B-Fly is extremely painful, especially if you use the HCl version.

The benefit of using this route of administration is that you’d need to take a much lower dose. The drug will also kick in faster.

If you decide to snort the substance, use the HBr form so that it doesn’t hurt as much.


Vaporizing the drug instead of eating it doesn’t seem to have any benefits. The experience will also not last for as long.


Taking 2C-B-Fly rectally is a great idea for many reasons:
1) You will only need around half of the amount of the drug then if you were to take it orally.
2) Plugging the substance won’t cause you as much nausea.
3) With this method, it is safe to eat before you take 2C-B-Fly.
4) Plugging is a lot less painful than snorting.
5) The drug will kick in faster and your trip may last for longer.

How to plug 2C-B-Fly

Empty your bowels before you plug.

Mix every 10 mg of the drug with 0.1 ml of filtered water. Let the drug completely dissolve into the water.

Use a1 ml syringe, put the liquid into it and plug the substance into your a#s.

You need to put the syringe deep enough but not too deep either. What will help you achieve this is putting a rubber band around the 0.6 ml. That way, you will know when to stop.

After you pour the liquid into your system, wait for 1-2 minutes, then pour the syringe out and go lay on your bed or the ground.

2C-B-FLY: Effects, Dosage, How To Take It & More - TrippyWiki (2)



  • 2 mg = Threshold
  • 5-10 mg = Light dose
  • 10-18 mg = Regular dose
  • 18-25 mg = Strong dose
  • 25+ mg = High dose

Many psychonauts recommend starting with a light dose but this isn’t necessarily the best way to go.

If you start at lower doses, your ego will learn how to control the psychedelic states. Because of that, it’ll be harder to let go once you move to higher doses and this can easily lead to bad trips.

You will also not get as many benefits from the drug as if you were to start with higher doses. It’s been shown that mystical experiences can deeply change your identity and the higher the dose you take, the more intense they will be.

Do not, however, start with a strong dose if you don’t have a trip sitter nearby.

High doses can easily cause you to reach a breakthrough where you lose sense of the physical world. You will become so conscious that you will “go unconscious.”

The last thing you want is to be lying on the ground for hours in nature, let alone on a street or in a club.

So keep in mind that the higher the dose you take, the more important it is to be in a safe environment.

Some people are more sensitive than others. There are people who can take relatively high doses and feel nothing. This mainly happens to people with autism. Otherwise, it is rare.

Safety checklist

2C-B-FLY: Effects, Dosage, How To Take It & More - TrippyWiki (3)

Maximize the benefits

2C-B-FLY: Effects, Dosage, How To Take It & More - TrippyWiki (4)

Keep in mind that integration is even more important than the trip itself. Taking psychedelics would be almost useless if you didn’t retain any lessons in your day-to-day life.

What will help you the most is contemplating about the experience – be it by journaling, thinking about the trip, or sharing your memories with a trusted friend.

Distracting thoughts can get in the way, which is why you want to spend the day after your trip without TV, social media, and other distractions.

If you can, spend time in silence and solitude. Meditate, go for a walk, contemplate the experience.


2C-B-FLY: Effects, Dosage, How To Take It & More - TrippyWiki (5)

Onset = 30-60 minutes
Come up =
1-2 hours
Peak =
3-5 hours
Come down =
2-3 hours

  • You should notice the first effects within 45 minutes after you take the psychedelic
  • You will reach the maximum effect around the 3-hour mark
  • The whole trip usually lasts for 7-12 hours
  • At heroic doses, your trip may last for even longer (up to 20 hours in rare cases)
  • If you take the substance orally and you eat food before your trip, the substance will take longer to kick in

What does 2C-B-Fly feel like?

Even though 2C-B FLY is structurally similar to 2C-B, the effects of those drugs are not the same.

Compared to 2C-B, 2C-B FLY is a lot less energizing and more introspective.

2C-B FLY is more likely to make you anxious and paranoid. On the other hand, the drug likely has more therapeutic properties than 2C-B.

2C-B FLY suppresses temperature regulation moreso than 2C-B. This makes the drug more neurotoxic since high brain temperature causes oxidative damage to your neurons.

Psychonauts describe the 2C-B-FLY experience as something in-between LSD and MDMA. With that said, candy flipping (mixing LSD and MDMA) feels fairly different than taking 2C-B-Fly.

One distinct effect of 2C-B-Fly is that it is an incredibly potent aphrodisiac.

Another experience specific to the 2C-x chemicals is body tripping (body high). The drug creates a unique tingling sensation that is often combined with your body feeling extremely tired. This effect will be euphoric if you surrender to it but it can also become uncomfortable if you try to resist it.

Other common short-term effects include:

Increased creativity and open-mindedness
Mindfulness, being present

Higher capability for love and compassion
Pain relief
Feeling one with all that is

Seeing life from a different perspective
Appreciating small things
Higher energy
Increased awareness
Stamina enhancement

Feeling your emotions more intensely
Memory suppression
Time distortion
Visual effects (similar to LSD but weaker)

Inability to focus
Increased body temperature
Increased heart rate
Worse thermoregulation
Difficulty urinating
Anxiety, paranoia


The higher dose you take, the more intense these effects will be.

With that said, it is impossible to accurately describe the experience through human language.

The psychedelic also affects each individual differently and no two trips are the same. Therefore, there is virtually no way to know what your trip will feel like.

The only way to truly know what 2C-B-Fly feels like is to take it.

2C-B-Fly will most likely give you a pleasant experience. Bad trips can happen but you can prevent them by following the tips below.

Bad trips

Bad trips mostly happen because people take the substance irresponsibly. If you take this psychedelic the right way, there is virtually no chance you’ll get a bad trip.

In case you still do, that’s good! A “bad” trip isn’t bad, it can actually be the most healing and insightful moment of your life!

During a “bad” trip, negative emotions are coming up from your subconscious mind. They have always been there whether you are aware of it or not. They have been damaging your life and a difficult trip is an opportunity to process these traumas and unpleasant feelings and let go of them.

The more painful the experience, the more you can heal.

So instead of calling bad trips bad, call them challenging.

If you understand that bad trips are awesome in the long-run, not only will you feel more comfortable diving into these challenging states, it will actually excite you!

Why they happen

The most common reasons for getting a bad trip are:

  • Tripping in an unsafe environment (in public, at a party, even nature doesn’t feel safe if you take higher doses)
  • Facing difficult times in your day-to-day life (a break-up, death of a loved one, …)
  • Rejecting to let go and trying to hold on to your ego and control the state
  • Being afraid of the trip (either because of the stigma around psychedelics or because you are not sure how pure your substance is)
  • Mixing the psychedelic with alcohol, weed, or other drugs
  • Expecting a bad trip (it can easily become a self-fulfilling prophecy)

How to cope with a bad trip

  • Do not perceive this experience as something bad, remember that facing these difficult emotions is extremely healing
  • Fully surrender to the experience, do not try to feel good
  • If you’re alone, call a trusted friend to come over and keep you safe

How to end a bad trip

In case you are not ready to face your inner demons yet, there are a few ways to end a bad trip.

One possible way is to put on music that is familiar to you. Another way is to switch up your location and move from one place to another. This can completely change your train of thought.

In case the trip becomes extremely challenging and there is no one around you to keep you safe, consider ending your trip with a trip killer.

Using a trip killer usually is not the best idea because the bad emotions will stay unresolved and you will get little to no benefits from the experience. With that said, using a trip killer is smarter than harming yourself.

The 2 best options that you have for ending a bad trip are Phenibut and benzodiazepines.

Phenibut is generally safer. The downside is that it can take hours to kick in.

So to end a trip, use benzodiazepines but only do this if you completely have to.


  • Qualia Mind
    This nootropic is comprised of 28 ingredients designed to support and maximize your brain function. These ingredients act synergistically and many of them will protect you from the neurotoxic effects of psychedelics. Qualia will also make your trips more pleasant and help you retain more benefits from them.
  • Herbs
    Herbs can help calm you down. Herbal teas (chamomile, lemon balm, valerian root, …) are especially helpful.
  • Green tea
    Tea makes you both more alert and calm at the same time. It also contains neuroprotective antioxidants, such as EGCG.
  • CBD
    CBD has a calming effect.
  • Weed
    Marijuana will greatly intensify the trip.
  • MDMA (Nexus flipping)
    MDMA will ease the comedown and help you solidify the insights from the experience. Unfortunately, combining these substances is likely to cause neurotoxicity. On top of that, some users react negatively to this combination.
  • Nitrous oxide
    Nitrous oxide will multiply the intensity of your trip.
  • Dissociatives
    Combining dissociatives with psychedelics won’t necessarily cause you harm but it can be confusing and lead to bad trips.
  • Benzodiazepines (Valium, Xanax, …)
    Benzos will end your psychedelic experience within 40 minutes but using this method may cause you side effects in the long-run.
  • Alcohol
    Alcohol minimizes all the potential benefits of a psychedelic experience. It also greatly increases your chance of having a bad trip.
  • SSRIs or MAOIs
    Not only will these antidepressants greatly decrease the intensity of your trip, but they can also lead to long-lasting side effects.
  • Lithium
    Combining psychedelics with lithium significantly increases the risk of seizures and psychosis.
  • Stimulants
    The combination can easily lead to heart problems, even if you’re a healthy individual.
  • Tramadol
    Combining the two can cause seizures.
  • St. John’s Wort
    This combination may lead to serotonin syndrome.


As of 2022, 2C-B-Fly is illegal in the UK, Germany, Sweden, Switzerland, and a few other countries.

While the drug is not scheduled in the US, you may still get in legal trouble for possessing it because of The Federal Analogue Act.

The drug is not scheduled in Canada and some European countries, where you can legally buy it from a reliable research chemical company for chemical research purposes.

In some of these countries, you cannot take the substance legally but whether or not anyone would care or find out is a different story.

Where to get 2C-B-Fly

Perhaps the best provider of research chemicals like 2C-B-Fly is Chemical Collective.

Their products are cheap, the company is highly reliable, and they will deliver the chemicals to you within 10-20 days. If the package gets lost, you can ask them to send you a new one, and they will.

Some research chemicals may not be legal where you live, so always check the legal status of your country before you buy any substance. Chemical Collective may not accept or ship your order if it doesn’t fit the laws of your country.


You have to wait for several days in-between your trip to refresh your tolerance.

If you were to trip 2 days in a row, your 2nd trip would be extremely weak.

How many days does it take to become sensitive to the drug again?

This mostly depends on the dose. At regular doses, it takes approximately 7 days to become sensitive again.

So you could technically take 2C-B-Fly every week but if you want to maximize the benefits, do not trip before you integrate all the lessons from your last trip.

Counter-intuitively, you might get more benefits by tripping less often.

That is why you may only want to trip once or twice a month or just a couple of times a year.

As your trips get more and more intense, you will not want to trip nearly as often anyway.

The drug either blocks or minimally activates the 5-HT2A receptors. It also affects your 5-HT2C receptors.

With that said, the only way to truly know what this psychedelic does to your brain is to try it yourself.

It is not about your age, it is about how mature you are.

Teenagers (and younger) generally aren’t responsible enough to take psychedelics but it isn’t always the case.

If you are under the age of 21, your brain is evolving at a rapid rate on its own. This means that when you take psychedelics, there is more potential for growth but the risks are also higher.

Most importantly, you need to trip in a safe place where there are no strangers around.

Tripping at home is safer and better for personal growth while taking psychedelics outside will help you develop a strong connection with nature.

Beware that 2C-B-Fly is likely to cause body load and make your body extremely tired. You may not be able to move so never trip in an unsafe environment.

If you are a mentally stable individual who does not suffer from psychosis or have a predisposition to schizophrenia, there is virtually no way you would develop any mental illnesses because of taking the psychedelic.

2C-B-Fly will stay in your oral fluid for 16-24 hours.

With that said, the substance is extremely hard to detect and standard drug tests are not capable of that.

No 2C-B-Fly user enjoys the taste of the drug. It tastes extremely bitter and chemically.

Order a Marquis test kit and follow the instructions on its label.

Keep your powder or pills in a cold dark place, preferably with no air.

If you don’t do this, 2C-B-Fly will lose potency within a few weeks or months.

When you store the substance well, it will last for years or even decades.

You can microdose with 2C-B-Fly but drugs like LSD, psilocybin, and ibogaine are more suited for this.

If you take the substance orally, stop eating at least 2-3 hours prior.If you eat food before you take 2C-B-Fly, you will most likely experience extreme nausea and may even vomit. If you plug the drug, you do not have to worry about this.

  • Immature people who are not willing to follow the safety guidelines
  • People who suffer from psychosis
  • People who have a familial history of schizophrenia
  • Those who suffer from HPPD
  • People who are going through a manic phase of bipolar disorder
  • If you’re going through extremely challenging times, you can take psychedelics but the trips might be unpleasant, beware of that

You may also like:

  • Magic Mushrooms
  • MDMA
  • Salvia Divinorum
  • DMT
  • 5-MeO DMT
  • Peyote

Thank you for taking psychedelics responsibly, immature psychonauts are the last thing the psychedelic movement needs.

And thank you for being a part of this renaissance. Together, we can change the world!

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2C-B-FLY: Effects, Dosage, How To Take It & More - TrippyWiki (2024)


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Author: Duncan Muller

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Name: Duncan Muller

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Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.