1. Hell In My Life: The Stacey Staxx Story | movie | 2021 | Official Trailer
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2. Art (2024) short film review - Screen Critix
Nov 4, 2024 · The second documentary in director Stacey Stone's look at people who currently live free in California. This is Art.
The second documentary in director Stacey Stone's look at people who currently live free in California. This is Art.
3. Stacey Stone | CBBC | Fandom
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Stacey Stone was a BBC/CBBC Family, Drama, Comedy Television series which ran for two series from November 2001 to Jan. 2003 and consisted of 15 episodes. It was shown on Mondays at 4.35pm. Summary 1: Drama series following the exploits and adventures of a teenage agony aunt called Stacey Stone who dreams of being a top world class journalist and escaping her boring home town of Rockferry, but in the meantime she's biding her time, writing for her school newspaper as an Agony Aunt. Summary 2: St
4. Unaccountable | Past Presentation - Cinema Verde
Unaccountable. Directed By. Stacey Stone. Produced By. Past Presentation. Cinema Verde. Eco-Tourism Award. 2019. Unaccountable. Play Icon. TRAILER.
Directed by Stacey Stone 2018 | Executive Producer, Diane Mellen found a recent article about three-eyed fish and two-headed turtles in the New River which flows from the U.S. Mexico border into the Salton Sea. Runoff sewage is causing DNA mutations in the animals. As filmmakers, we found it alarming that the California Department of Parks and Recreation is advising parents it is permissible to swim and fish in the Salton Sea. We wanted to make a documentary with vivid imagery, as no words can encompass the sadness of the area.
5. Kenny (2024) short film review - Screen Critix
Apr 30, 2024 · A true story about a homeless 72-year-old man unapologetically living free his entire life, this is director Stacey Stone and producer Diane Mellen's ...
A true story about a homeless 72-year-old man living free his entire life. This is Stacey Stone's short doc Kenny
6. Unaccountable - IndyRed
No Trailer. Find Online. On Vimeo. 3.5/5. Feature Film Review. Fresh in my ... This is where Stacey Stone's "Unaccountable" documentary kicks in. A push ...
IndyRed's Review of the indie short film, Unaccountable. IndyRed - providing micro-budget, independent film reviews since 2009.
7. THE NONA - Take 2 Indie Review
Jul 22, 2023 · Cinematographer: Stacey Stone; Executive Producer: Diane Mellen ... The Nona -Trailer. Play. 00:00. 01:40.
8. About - Pace Films
Home About Kenny The Nona Music Video Trailers Contact · Pace Films · HomeAboutKenny ... STACEY STONE, DIRECTOR, DP, EDITOR. Stacey's background comes from ...
9. Documentary Short Film Review "The Nona" - One Film Fan
Documentary Short Film Review “The Nona”. Author OneFilmFan. Published on: July 3, 2023. NO TRAILER ... director/editor/cinematographer Stacey Stone and ...
NO TRAILER CURRENTLY AVAILABLE First, the Recap: To recount a lifetime. As a culture, we so often tend to be caught up in the NOW, what’s happening around and to us in the moment, assessing how it will impact our daily existence and carry us forward into the next day, so on, and so […]