Stellaris: Best Civics (2024)


  • Civics impact empire principles and strategy in Stellaris, offering unique advantages and playstyles to consider.
  • Recent updates have made previously less viable Civics more powerful, expanding gameplay options for players.
  • Selecting the right Civics can provide significant economic, military, or diplomatic benefits to help dominate the galaxy.

With technologies, worlds, trade routes, resources, ships, weapons, alliances, spy networks, hostile aliens, and a thousand other factors to manage, Stellaris can be overwhelming at times. Numerous factors contribute to a successful game of this 4x space sim, and one of the most vital is the proper selection of Civics.


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Civics represent the principles of an empire, and they are in part shaped by the authority and ethics of that empire. Dictatorships, democracies, and meritocracies all look and act quite differently. The choice of Civics affects not only the player's strategy when it comes to warfare, expansion, and resource acquisition but also their opportunities to roleplay. Whether looking to start a space cult or push science to its limits, here are the best Civics in Stellaris.

Updated June 27, 2024 by Evan Arnoldi: With the recent updates to the game, more and more Civics are becoming viable as players begin to explore other builds to expand their empire while also trying to win with new innovative builds unheard of before.

Less viable Civics are now quite often used due to the buffs that Paradox had given them in the updates, which in turn also enhance the viability of other builds while preserving the existing ones to prevent any power creep. It is crucial for players who aspire to both survive and dominate the galaxy to learn about these new Civics that are now much more viable than in the past.

1 Catalytic Processing

Convert A Cheap Resource Into Space's Precious Metal

Stellaris: Best Civics (2)
  • Metallurgists are replaced by Catalytic Technicians (uses Food instead of Mineral to produce Alloys)
  • Enable an empire to build Bio-Reactors (convert Food to Energy Credits from Farmers output)

Food has been regarded to be one of the weakest resources although important for Biological Empires since the resource is easily available in Galactic Markets for purchase, often at an extremely cheap price. Therefore, the developers seem to have found a way to make them more appealing to empires by having the Catalytic Processing civic, which enables an empire to use the food for a more profitable outcome.

The Civic replaces Metallurgists with Catalytic Technicians who use Food instead of Minerals to produce Alloys. With the exchange rate of Food being cheaper than Minerals for most of the game, this allows the empire to convert Food into Alloys for an extremely profitable exchange while preserving their Minerals deposit for more pressing concerns, such as planetary buildings and army creation. In addition, the Civic also allows an empire to convert their excess food into Energy Credits with Bio-Reactors, which allows Farmers to also produce Energy Credits in exchange for reducing their Food output.

2 Functional Architecture

Frees Up Building Spaces For Districts

Stellaris: Best Civics (3)
  • Decreases Building and District costs by 15%
  • Increases Planetary Buildings Speed by 15%
  • Increases Building slots by 1

Due to the limited amount of Buildings and Districts that a planet can have, development can sometimes be stifled in these small-sized planets, leading to inefficient output that can make the planet become a liability even in a galaxy with settings of scarce habitable planets. With the Functional Architecture Civic, even the smallest planet of 9-12 size can be salvaged into a profitable and efficient planet.

The Civic can increase a planet's building slot by 1, which allows the player to build on the planet without worrying about District requirements that can destroy the planet's output balance. Moreover, the Civic also increases Planetary Building speed by 15%, enabling rapid planet development without waiting for a long time for certain powerful unique buildings. It is also able to decrease Building and District costs by 15%, enabling the player to save up on precious Minerals to be used for other purposes, such as building an army.

3 Anglers

Produce Consumer Goods And Food With Ease

Stellaris: Best Civics (4)
  • Species need to have Aquatic trait
  • Ocean Worlds have no limit of Agriculture districts
  • Agriculture districts provide Angler and Pearl Diver instead of Farmers in worlds with wet climates
  • Agriculture districts cost 50 minerals less in worlds with wet climates

Thanks to the recent buff that the Civic has received over the new updates, Anglers is now one of the most powerful Civics in Stellaris that can single-handedly secure an empire's economy as it enables a previously obsolete district to be one of the strongest in the game.

In the past, Agriculture districts often became neglected as the Farmer jobs they produce only resulted in Food output, which can often be bought cheaply from the Internal and its Galactic Market follow-up during early and mid-game. With Anglers, Agriculture districts become a heavyweight machine that can keep an empire's economy afloat as it produces Anglers and Pearl Diver, which can produce Food, Consumer Goods, and Trade Value.

4 Citizen Service

Military Focus Rewards with Extra Unity and Naval Capacity

Stellaris: Best Civics (5)
  • +2 Unity from Soldiers
  • +15% Naval capacity
  • Can construct Recruitment Office holdings.
  • Full Citizenship pops must have Full Military Service and vice versa.

Unity is one of Stellaris's most powerful resources. It allows players to progress further into a Tradition path, and hire a Leader to help with either governance, military, or science. Finally, it also allows players to earn Ascension perks to progress the empire further.

With extra Unity from each Soldier, an empire with this Civic can focus on the military aspect of the game without getting too backward in their Unity generation to progress as an empire. Moreover, the extra naval capacity can provide a larger military presence, should an empire be at risk of being attacked or planning to assault a neighboring empire.

5 Feudal Society

Gain Leaders For An Advantage Against Other Empires

Stellaris: Best Civics (6)
  • +1 Unity per Governor level
  • -50% Leader cost
  • +1 Monthly loyalty from subjects
  • Leaders have no upkeep.
  • No loyalty loss from multiple subjects.
  • Cannot use Expansion Prohibited terms of agreement.
  • Cannot use Limited Diplomacy terms of agreement.
  • Cannot dismiss Leaders.

With the Galactic Paragon DLC and recent updates, Leaders have risen to become the game's one of the most important features. With additional positive traits and the feature to specify a leader's progression with Veteran classes, Feudal Society becomes one of the most powerful Civics.

With this Civic, it is easy to stockpile leaders with either the Eager trait or a passive resource generation trait. With it, players can become the galaxy's most powerful empire, with a huge economic advantage.

6 Distinguished Admiralty

Gain Naval Superiority Faster

Stellaris: Best Civics (7)
  • +2 Admiral and General starting level
  • +20% Admiral experience gain
  • +10% Ship fire rate
  • +10 Fleet command limit

One isn’t alone in the endless black expanse of space. Machines, ravenous swarms, and fanatical death cults are just a few of the dangers players face. While a single enemy ship may not pose much of a threat, it is often only the tip of the spear, behind which there stands an entire imperial military eager to dominate or destroy anything in its path.


Stellaris: Best Ship Designs

These top-notch Stellaris ship designs will help you conquer your enemies and build your empire.

The Distinguished Admiralty Civic is all about meeting force with force, doubling down on everything having to do with fleets and the officers who lead them. Distinguished Admiralty raises the fleet command limit and Admiral cap level, allowing fleets to be larger and better let. It also increases the rate at which ships fire, giving the player an edge in combat. Last, it raises the levels of the player’s Admirals and generals, ensuring that the player’s military is in a good position to confront whatever the game throws at them.

7 Slaver Guilds

Use Enslaved Species To Maintain Production

Stellaris: Best Civics (9)
  • +10% increased resource output from Slave pops
  • Enslaved pop ratio will be 35%

As dystopian as it sounds, having slaves for a spacefaring empire can be a huge advantage. They consume fewer resources while being able to produce more resources down the line. The efficiency of this particular policy can be enhanced further by picking the Slaver Guilds civic.

This particular civic allows an empire to increase its slaves' productivity by 10%. This can translate to more alloys to build the best ship components and energy credit to both conquer the galaxy and survive any attempts to 'liberate' the enslaved population. However, this civic comes with the downside of having a new pop automatically become a slave with a chance of 35%. This can either be damaging or beneficial, depending on the empire's policy and the leader's conscience.

8 Beacon Of Liberty

Receive Bonus Unity and Reduce Empire Size

Stellaris: Best Civics (10)
  • +15% Increased monthly Unity
  • Reduced Empire Size from pops by -15%

In the vast galaxy, various spacefaring empires exist believing themselves to be the best, as they try to survive among other sentient species that might either be a galactic fanatical purifier or a simple friendly space neighbor. One of the best ideologies to adopt also exists in the form of a Civic called Beacon of Liberty.

This particular Civic will grant an empire an increased monthly unity gain and a reduced Empire Size gain from the number of pops by 15%. These bonuses enable an empire to grow rapidly, as long as they adhere to the Democratic governing stance that they adopted while facing the galaxy.

9 Inward Perfection

Focus Internally To Achieve Victory

Stellaris: Best Civics (11)
  • Cannot be added or removed after the game starts.
  • +20% Monthly unity
  • +10% Pop growth speed
  • +5% Citizen pop happiness
  • +50 Edict fund
  • +1 Encryption
  • -1 Codebreaking
  • -1 Available envoys
  • Cannot infiltrate Pre-FTL civilizations.
  • Various Diplomatic restrictions.

Exploration is, by definition, a major factor in any 4X game. Just because it’s something the player can do doesn’t mean it’s something they have to do, however. Whether the player is defense-minded or just hates meeting new people, Inward Perfection is a rewarding Civic since it encourages the player to stay within their galactic borders.


Exploring Alien Invasion Tropes In Science Fiction

Alien invasions have been a consistent thread in sci-fi stories.

The tradeoff is a painful one. The player must effectively abandon diplomacy as a means of advancement. In exchange for cutting their social ties to other groups; however, the player receives significant bonuses in return. Playing as an isolationist government with no access to unrestricted war, treaties, or other key social mechanics is a very different way of playing Stellaris, but it can be as fun as it is effective.

10 Barbaric Despoilers

Become A Barbaric Empire To Gain Superiority

Stellaris: Best Civics (13)
  • Cannot be added or removed after the game starts.
  • +1 Mercenary Enclave capacity
  • Can use the Despoliation casus belli.
  • Can use the Raiding orbital bombardment stance.
  • Cannot form Migration Treaties.
  • Can only create Martial Alliance and Hegemony federations.
  • Reduced opinion from other space empires.

One might not think that becoming a barbarian in the galaxy is the wisest choice for an empire, but in Stellaris, it can be an optimal way of living compared to others. With its extra Mercenary Enclave capacity, the empire will have a strong fleet available for hire every time they try to raid other empires with their Despoilation casus belli.

Moreover, population problems can be quickly solved with its special Raiding orbital bombardment, as the empire will be able to kidnap other empires' populations and resettle them onto their worlds. Overall, it is a solid Civic for an empire that wishes to be dominant over others.

11 Pompous Purist

Engage In Advanced Diplomacy By Simply Being 'Non-Diplomatic'

Stellaris: Best Civics (14)
  • Cannot receive diplomatic propositions, but can send them to other empires.
  • +1 maximum Envoy
  • Envoy's Improve Relations action is more efficient by +25%
  • Diplomatic Weight is increased by +15% when opposing Resolutions in the Galactic Community
  • External leader pool size is reduced by 1

A Xenophobic empire playstyle can be limited in terms of diplomacy, as it tries not to interact peacefully too much with the neighbors. However, having Pompous Purists as one of the Civic of a Xenophobic empire can translate into a unique playstyle of exploiting other empires diplomatically without causing unnecessary casualties via war. One unique bonus will be the fact that other empires will not be able to close their borders to an empire with this specific Civic, making it necessary for them to declare war to prevent any border incursion.

When done correctly, an empire with the Pompous Purists Civic can be quite dangerous as they try to impose their selfish desire on the galaxy by sending one-sided diplomatic propositions. The only way of stopping them is a war, which they might be capable of winning handily due to their Xenophobe ideology bonuses.

12 Death Cults

Offer Sacrifices To Keep An Empire Safe

Stellaris: Best Civics (15)
  • Can construct Sacrificial Temple buildings.
  • Can construct Sacrificial Shrine holdings.
  • Can use Sacrifice edicts.

Worshiping death might not seem like the ideal attitude when one is doing one's best not to be wiped out by space pirates, crime syndicates, fascist lizard people, and all-consuming alien swarms. But surprisingly, the Death Cults Civic can be just the thing to keep one's evil empire alive and well, as the rest of the universe goes up in flames.

This Civic allows the player to perform sacrifices in the name of granting the empire substantial buffs. The only real downside is that the population cost for sacrifices increases as one's empire expands, meaning the player must always search for new victims to activate the Death Cults' powers.

13 Reanimators

Call on Undead Armies

Stellaris: Best Civics (16)
  • Military Academy buildings are replaced by Dread Encampment buildings.
  • 33% chance of gaining an Undead Army per killed organic army.
  • Defeated organic Leviathans can be resurrected.

The tagline for the Reanimators Civic might as well read, "Necromancers: in space!" What makes Reanimators so powerful is its trademark necromantic ability to transform slain enemies into ground armies. This ability makes Reanimators one of the strongest defensive Civics in the game, as dead foes simply swell an army's numbers.


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There are plenty of grand strategy games on the market, but these titles offer a sure test of players' skills.

The Reanimators Civic offers a smattering of other bonuses, but the most interesting secondary effect is that the Civic grants the player a chance to resurrect dead Leviathans, as long as it is organic. The opportunity to conscript the corpses of gigantic space monsters into one's necromantic crusade is worth the price of admission alone. There might be more efficient strategies, but there's nothing quite as terrifyingly cool.

14 Fanatic Purifiers

Stellaris: Best Civics (18)
  • Cannot be added or removed after the game starts.
  • +33% Fire rate
  • +33% Army damage
  • +33% Naval capacity
  • -15% Ship cost
  • Genocidal:
    • Can't engage in diplomacy
    • Can't use Galactic Market
    • -1000 opinion with every empire
    • +200 opinion with same-species Fanatic Purifiers
    • Always purge different species

The Fanatic Purifier Civic is for the purest of xenophobe empires. There will be no diplomacy, no friendly relationships, and no cultural exchange. Fanatic Purifiers believe in one thing and one thing only, and that's the obliteration of all species except their own.


Stellaris: 10 Rare AI Personalities In-Game

These rare AI personalities provide unique challenges in Stellaris.

The chief disadvantage of this Civic is that it railroads the player's strategy: extermination is all that is acceptable. For aggressive players that want total war, it rewards them with massive navy and army bonuses, making the player's military the strongest around. Unsurprisingly, it also gives the player the power to start wars pretty much whenever and wherever they choose.

15 Masterful Crafters

Massively Boost Economy

Stellaris: Best Civics (20)
  • Replaces Artisan jobs with Artificer jobs (Artificer provides 7 Consumer Goods and 2 Trade Value)
  • +1 Building slot per 3 Industrial districts (except on Habitats) (+0.34 each)

Widely regarded as one of the best Civics, Masterful Crafters provides access to Artificers. These specialty artisans are much more effective than the regular breed, providing the empire with an array of bonuses that remain useful well into the late game.


10 Games With The Wildest Economy Systems, Ranked

In video games, money is power. Many franchises like Metro. and Fallout don't use cash, but bizarre items for currency, like bullets and bottle caps.

The bonus to both trade value and consumer goods is invaluable, and Masterful Crafters also grants the player an additional building slot for every three industrial districts already on the planet. This Civic is perfect for those who want a much-needed injection of resources, superior industrial capacity, and a cheap workaround for the Wartime Economy policy.

16 Parliamentary System

Massive Unity Gain & Quick Factions

Stellaris: Best Civics (22)
  • +40% Faction unity gain
  • Factions will form within 3 months.

With the recent rework for Leaders, Unity has become more important than ever. It allows the player to hire more leaders than before, provided that the leaders come with positive traits. Faster Unity gain will also translate to quicker Ascension Perks, which will be crucial for the progress of their empire.

Quicker Faction forming will also boost stability and happiness across the empire's planets, increasing the productivity of both workers and specialists. Therefore, this Civic is undoubtedly one of the most powerful in the game, and a player can pair it with other bonuses as well.

17 Meritocracy

Additional Leader Traits with Specialist Pops Guarantee Domination

Stellaris: Best Civics (23)
  • +1 Additional leader trait options
  • +10% Specialist pop resource output

For democracies and oligarchies, the Meritocracy Civic is one of the best. It may not be unique, but its benefits are simple, reliable, and easy to incorporate into other strategies, making the Civic a solid, dependable choice.


Stellaris: 15 Best Traits Combinations, Ranked

There are a lot of trait combinations that players can experiment with in Stellaris. These are some of the best.

Meritocracy provides a bonus to specialist production, including consumer goods, research, and alloys. This combination of buffs can easily put the empire's economy ahead of that of its rivals, however hard its enemies may be working to outrace it. As a bonus, this Civic increases the leader trait options. In this leader-oriented patch, this bonus is more than welcome as it guarantees the earned leaders at least have beneficial positive traits, such as resource generation traits.

Stellaris: Best Civics (25)


Grand Strategy

PC , PS4 , Xbox One

May 9, 2016
Paradox Development Studio
Stellaris: Best Civics (2024)


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