Blender Studio is proud to present Sprite Fright. Enjoy!
In the upcoming days the team is going to share lots of breakdowns, assets and content, which will add to the already incredible amount of resources already available here on
Congratulations to the entire team of artists and developers who created this, and thank you to all Blender Studio supporters that enable us to create and share independent content made with Blender.
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william blevins
Nov. 26th, 2021
Awesome. I was looking for my name at the end and didn't see it on there.
Nov. 19th, 2021
esta genial.
Nisa Gomez
Nov. 11th, 2021
Since no one has mentioned it, the opening Blender Studio production logo is great! Also, it was fun seeing my name in the credits. 🥰
Gareth Qually
Nov. 4th, 2021
Absolutely the best film yet. Loved it, especially the dark humour.
Samuel Abram
Nov. 4th, 2021
Is there any way I can download the final cut of the movie in the highest resolutions possible like the other Blender Open Movies, and not just watch on YouTube?
Francesco Siddi
Nov. 5th, 2021
@Samuel Abram We will upload the original film export soon!
Samuel Abram
Nov. 5th, 2021
@Francesco Siddi Yay! I can't wait!
Adriana do Prado Lisbôa Siqueira - Drika111
Nov. 3rd, 2021
Gustavo Albano da Silva Sandri
Nov. 3rd, 2021
I have a group in Brazil that dubs for free. Is there a way to get access to the files for the animation so that we can make a Brazillian Portuguese version?
Mathieu Quiblier
Nov. 2nd, 2021
Congratulations to the studio!!
Wesley D Shipley
Nov. 1st, 2021
I love it! When they got to the campground I was hoping for a longer lead in to the malevolent nature of the sprites, e.g. more creeping suspense but it is a beautifully crafted film that is no longer than it needs to be to craft the story. I love that all the characters, save Ellie, were done in by their offense to nature! I love the character designs and the stylized choppy animation. Love it! Love it! :D
Erick Nyandu Kabongo
Oct. 30th, 2021
I liked the short, thumbs up for me :) With all the new features added during the production of the movie, it will be great to see how the studio have been setting those scenes with asset library, I would like to see the making-off the scene where there is many sprites, please start from an empty project.
Oct. 30th, 2021
congrats, i really loved the movie. fun, gore, edgy with a beautiful artstyle and animation🤩 in this sad politically correct world this was so refreshing to watch, thanks!🙏joined the studio to study new worfkflows and new blender quality content
Cameron August
Oct. 30th, 2021
Absolutely Amazing! Each frame was a feast for the eyes! I was avoiding looking too much into the development to avoid spoilers and I'm happy for it, the story completely surprised me and now I have all this great content to sift through!
Morgan Lewis
Oct. 30th, 2021
What an awesome short sprite fright was! Loved every part of it. Will we see the character rigs being uploaded soon?
Francesco Siddi
Oct. 31st, 2021
@Morgan Lewis Yes, we start next week!
Dan McLaughlin
Oct. 30th, 2021
Amazing short - your best one yet! Watching this convince me to join the cloud, and now I'm floored to see all the content in here. You guys need to advertise this more, I had no idea.
Francesco Siddi
Oct. 30th, 2021
@Dan McLaughlin Thank you for joining Blender Studio, and thanks for the feedback on our communication. There are plans to offer a clearer overview of what's available on the site.
Konrad Kaminski
Oct. 30th, 2021
Hello guys! Wow, What a movie! Love every second of it 🙌
Alexandre Levézac
Archived Show comment Oct. 30th, 2021
Also, I'm not here to start a witch hunt, I've seen some people claiming the movie for their own on youtube. For my case it's just a kid, wouldn't be surprised if there was more... do you want a mail/message with all the informations to take action ?
Francesco Siddi
Archived Oct. 30th, 2021
@Alexandre Levézac No action required. As long as they respect the license, they can freely share the film.
Alexandre Levézac
Archived Oct. 30th, 2021
@Francesco Siddi well they didn't but apparently it got removed anyway
Alexandre Levézac
Oct. 30th, 2021
Congradulation on your movie I really loved how you didn't slow down on the gore, or your choice in terms of shocking value ! It was really refreshing to see something like that !
Chris Clawson
Oct. 30th, 2021
Great! Nice and violent, which was what I liked about 'Big Buck Bunny'. This politically correct world had me expecting something very different! Neither side was perfect. A very nice and funny surprise.
Stefan Grotz
Oct. 29th, 2021
Hey, great movie! I am looking for the audio line without human voices, for voice over experiments in other languages. I can't find it anywhere, will the sound files become available in the future, or have I missed them?
Francesco Siddi
Oct. 30th, 2021
@Stefan Grotz The files will be available soon.
Stefan Grotz
Nov. 30th, 2021
@Francesco Siddi any news about this yet?