FL4K • Borderlands 3 – Skill Tree Calculator (2024)

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Action Skill

FL4K • Borderlands 3 – Skill Tree Calculator (5)

FL4K • Borderlands 3 – Skill Tree Calculator (6)

Rakk Attack!

FL4K • Borderlands 3 – Skill Tree Calculator (7)

Gamma Burst

FL4K • Borderlands 3 – Skill Tree Calculator (8)

Fade Away

FL4K • Borderlands 3 – Skill Tree Calculator (9)

Gravity Snare


FL4K • Borderlands 3 – Skill Tree Calculator (10)

FL4K • Borderlands 3 – Skill Tree Calculator (11)

Rakk Open a Cold One

FL4K • Borderlands 3 – Skill Tree Calculator (12)

Falconer's Feast

FL4K • Borderlands 3 – Skill Tree Calculator (13)

Flock 'N Load

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FL4K • Borderlands 3 – Skill Tree Calculator (15)

Atomic Aroma

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Empathic Rage

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FL4K • Borderlands 3 – Skill Tree Calculator (18)

Burst Aid

FL4K • Borderlands 3 – Skill Tree Calculator (19)

Guerrillas in the Mist

FL4K • Borderlands 3 – Skill Tree Calculator (20)

Not My Circus

FL4K • Borderlands 3 – Skill Tree Calculator (21)

Until You Are Dead

FL4K • Borderlands 3 – Skill Tree Calculator (22)

Unblinking Eye

FL4K • Borderlands 3 – Skill Tree Calculator (23)


FL4K • Borderlands 3 – Skill Tree Calculator (24)

Wide Net

FL4K • Borderlands 3 – Skill Tree Calculator (25)

Trap Card

FL4K • Borderlands 3 – Skill Tree Calculator (26)

Blind with Anger


FL4K • Borderlands 3 – Skill Tree Calculator (27)

FL4K • Borderlands 3 – Skill Tree Calculator (28)

Rakk Open a Cold One

FL4K • Borderlands 3 – Skill Tree Calculator (29)

Falconer's Feast

FL4K • Borderlands 3 – Skill Tree Calculator (30)

Flock 'N Load

FL4K • Borderlands 3 – Skill Tree Calculator (31)


FL4K • Borderlands 3 – Skill Tree Calculator (32)

Atomic Aroma

FL4K • Borderlands 3 – Skill Tree Calculator (33)

Empathic Rage

FL4K • Borderlands 3 – Skill Tree Calculator (34)


FL4K • Borderlands 3 – Skill Tree Calculator (36)

Guerrillas in the Mist

FL4K • Borderlands 3 – Skill Tree Calculator (37)

Not My Circus

FL4K • Borderlands 3 – Skill Tree Calculator (38)

Until You Are Dead

FL4K • Borderlands 3 – Skill Tree Calculator (39)

Unblinking Eye

FL4K • Borderlands 3 – Skill Tree Calculator (40)


FL4K • Borderlands 3 – Skill Tree Calculator (41)

Wide Net

FL4K • Borderlands 3 – Skill Tree Calculator (42)

Trap Card

FL4K • Borderlands 3 – Skill Tree Calculator (43)

Blind with Anger


FL4K • Borderlands 3 – Skill Tree Calculator (44)

FL4K • Borderlands 3 – Skill Tree Calculator (45)

Spiderant Centurion

FL4K • Borderlands 3 – Skill Tree Calculator (46)

Spiderant Scorcher

FL4K • Borderlands 3 – Skill Tree Calculator (47)

Spiderant Countess

FL4K • Borderlands 3 – Skill Tree Calculator (48)

Guard Skag

FL4K • Borderlands 3 – Skill Tree Calculator (49)

Great Horned Skag

FL4K • Borderlands 3 – Skill Tree Calculator (50)

Eridian Skag

FL4K • Borderlands 3 – Skill Tree Calculator (51)

Jabber Sidekick

FL4K • Borderlands 3 – Skill Tree Calculator (52)

Beefcake Jabber

FL4K • Borderlands 3 – Skill Tree Calculator (53)

Gunslinger Jabber

FL4K • Borderlands 3 – Skill Tree Calculator (54)

Pet ION Loader

FL4K • Borderlands 3 – Skill Tree Calculator (55)

BUL Loader

FL4K • Borderlands 3 – Skill Tree Calculator (56)

WAR Loader

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FL4K • Borderlands 3 – Skill Tree Calculator (58)

FL4K • Borderlands 3 – Skill Tree Calculator (59)

FL4K • Borderlands 3 – Skill Tree Calculator (60)

FL4K • Borderlands 3 – Skill Tree Calculator (61)

FL4K • Borderlands 3 – Skill Tree Calculator (62)

FL4K • Borderlands 3 – Skill Tree Calculator (63)

FL4K • Borderlands 3 – Skill Tree Calculator (64)

FL4K • Borderlands 3 – Skill Tree Calculator (65)

Main Feat

FL4K • Borderlands 3 – Skill Tree Calculator (66)

Side Feat

FL4K • Borderlands 3 – Skill Tree Calculator (67)

Action Skill

FL4K • Borderlands 3 – Skill Tree Calculator (68)

FL4K • Borderlands 3 – Skill Tree Calculator (69)


FL4K • Borderlands 3 – Skill Tree Calculator (70)

Bog Totem

FL4K • Borderlands 3 – Skill Tree Calculator (71)

Feral Surge

FL4K • Borderlands 3 – Skill Tree Calculator (72)


FL4K • Borderlands 3 – Skill Tree Calculator (73)

Storm Dragon's Judgment

FL4K • Borderlands 3 – Skill Tree Calculator (74)

Cleansing Flames

FL4K • Borderlands 3 – Skill Tree Calculator (75)


FL4K • Borderlands 3 – Skill Tree Calculator (76)


FL4K • Borderlands 3 – Skill Tree Calculator (77)


FL4K • Borderlands 3 – Skill Tree Calculator (78)


FL4K • Borderlands 3 – Skill Tree Calculator (79)

Ghost Blade

FL4K • Borderlands 3 – Skill Tree Calculator (80)

From the Shadows

FL4K • Borderlands 3 – Skill Tree Calculator (81)

Reaper of Bones

FL4K • Borderlands 3 – Skill Tree Calculator (82)

Dire Sacrifice

Needed Points: 20


Blind with Anger

Instead of stunning enemies Gravity Snare Confuses enemies, causing them to attack their allies for a short time.

Confuse Duration: 8s

Needed Points: 15


Trap Card

While Gravity Snare is ready for activation, you'll throw your Trap at the enemy that downs you.

Duration: 16s

Needed Points: 10


Wide Net

Increases Gravity Snare's Duration and Radius.

Duration: +25%
Radius: +100%

Needed Points: 5



Stunning an enemy with Gravity Snare drops Ammo, Health, and Shield Boosters.

Needed Points: 15


WAR Loader

Your ION Loader upgrades to a WAR Loader with a Fire Shotgun and Grenades.
Issuing an Attack Command, causes the WARLoader to launch a Missile Barrage at the target.

Increases your Fire Rate and Burst-Fire Delay.

Fire Rate: +12%
Burst-Fire Delay: +12%

Needed Points: 10


BUL Loader

Your ION Loader upgrades to a BUL Loader with a Shotgun, increased Damage Resistance and a Roundhouse Melee Attack.
Issuing an Attack Command, turns the BULLoader into a Bulldozer that charges and knocks up enemies.

Increases your Maximum Shield.

Max-Shield: +20%

Needed Points: 0


Pet ION Loader

You are joined by an ION Loader Companion with a Shock Sniper and homing Shock Orbs that when shot create a Shock Nova.
Issuing an Attack Command, causes the ION Loader to fire a laser beam.

Due to an in-game bug, you take increased Elemental Damage.

Elemental Damage taken: +30%

Needed Points: 0


Gravity Snare

You toss out a Trap that sends out Zero Gravity impulses every 3s, causing enemies to levitate in a large radius and be stunned for 1s.

You can pick up the Trap to end Gravity Snare early and refund a portion of its Cooldown.

Duration: 16s
Cooldown: 36s

Needed Points: 20


Unblinking Eye

Hitting a target during Fade Away increases your Critical Damage. This resets every 3 hits.

Crit Damage: +75% /hit

Needed Points: 15


Gunslinger Jabber

Your Jabber evolves into a Gunslinger with an SMG.
Issuing an Attack Command, equips the Gunslinger with a Launcher for a short time.

Increases your Movement Speed and Critical Damage.

Movement Speed: +5%
Crit Damage: +5%

Needed Points: 15


Until You Are Dead

Your Health Regeneration and Movement Speed bonuses persists for 10s after Fade Away ends.

Needed Points: 10


Beefcake Jabber

Your Jabber evolves into a Beefcake with a Shotgun.
Issuing an Attack Command, causes the Beefcake to pull out a club that knocks back enemies.

Increases your Movement Speed and Maximum Health.

Movement Speed: +5%
Max-Health: +10%

Needed Points: 10


Not My Circus

When Fade Away ends, your pet Taunts nearby enemies and receives increased Damage Resistance for a short time.

Taunt Duration: 6s
Pet Damage Resistance: +80%

Loader Pets are unsupported!

Needed Points: 5


Guerrillas in the Mist

Fade Away no longer ends after 3 shots, but it has less Duration and Critical Damage.

Crit Damage: +25%
Fade Away Duration: 5s

Needed Points: 0


Jabber Sidekick

You are joined by a Jabber Companion with a Pistol.
Issuing an Attack Command, causes the Jabber to throw a Radiation Barrel at an enemy.

Increases your Movement Speed.

Move Speed: +5%

Needed Points: 0


Fade Away

You become Invisible and increase your Health Regeneration and Movement Speed.
While cloaked you can fire 3 shoots that are guaranteed Critical Hits.

Duration: 15s
Cooldown: 45s

Move Speed: +25%
Max-Health Regen/s: +3%
Crit Damage
: +200%

Needed Points: 20


Burst Aid

The Rift Gamma Burst creates remains for the full duration, granting Health Regeneration to nearby allies.

Max-Health Regen/s: +20%

Needed Points: 15


Eridian Skag

Your Skag evolves into an Eridian Skag.
Issuing an Attack Command creates a Singularity on the Eridian Skag that pulls in nearby enemies.

Increases your Damage dealt and Fire Rate.

Damage: +5%
Fire Rate
: +5%

Needed Points: 15



When you or your Pet kill an enemy during Gamma Burst extends its duration and increases Pet Damage for the duration.
These effects stack.

Max Stacks: 5
Gamma Burst Duration: +3s /kill
Pet Damage: +10% /kill

Needed Points: 10


Great Horned Skag

Your Skag evolves into a Great Horned Skag.
Issuing an Attack Command, causes the Great Horned Skag to charge and knock up enemies.

Increases your Damage dealt and Gun Damage.

Damage: +5%
Gun Damage: +10%

Needed Points: 10


Empathic Rage

While Gamma Burst is active, you deal increased Damage.

Damage: +20%

Needed Points: 5


Atomic Aroma

While Gamma Burst is active, your Pet radiates, dealing constant Radiation Area Damage to nearby enemies.

Needed Points: 0


Guard Skag

You are joined by a Skag Companion.
Issuing an Attack Command, causes the Skag to vomit acid onto enemies.

Increases your Damage dealt.

Damage: +5%

Needed Points: 0


Gamma Burst

You teleport your Pet through a Rift at the target location, dealing Radiation Area Skill Damage.
This adds Bonus Radiation Damage to your pet's attacks, prevents damage beyond 1 Health and enlarges it for the duration.

For twice the Cooldown, you can use this skill to revive your Pet, restoring 30% of its Health and teleporting it through the Rift.

Duration: 20s
Cooldown: 30s

Needed Points: 20



Rakk Attack gets increased Cooldown Rate and 1 Extra Charge.

Cooldown Rate: +20%

Needed Points: 15


Spiderant Countess

Your Spiderant evolves into a Countess.
Issuing an Attack Command, causes the Countess to burrow underground and then emerge dealing Corrosive Area Damage.

You gain passive Health Regeneration and Damage Resistance.

Max-Health Regen/s: +1%
Damage Resistance: +5%

Needed Points: 15


Flock 'N Load

Rakk Attack sends forth 2 Extra Rakk.

Needed Points: 10


Spiderant Scorcher

Your Spiderant evolves into a Scorcher, that deals Fire Damage to nearby enemies.
Issuing an Attack Command, causes the Scorcher to charge into enemies.

You gain passive Health Regeneration and increased Elemental Damage.

Max-Health Regen/s: +1%
Elemental Damage: +10%

Needed Points: 10


Falconer's Feast

Dealing Damage with Rakk Attack, restores a portion of your Health.

Max-Health restored: 7%

Needed Points: 5


Rakk Open a Cold One

Converts your Rakk Attack to Cryo Damage.

Needed Points: 0


Spiderant Centurion

You are joined by a Spiderant Companion.
Issuing an Attack Command, causes the Spiderant to charge into enemies.

You gain passive Health Regeneration.

Max-Health Regen/s: +1%

Needed Points: 0


Rakk Attack!

You send forth 2 Fire Rakk that attack an enemy dealing Fire Area Skill Damage.
This skill has multiple charges.

Cooldown: 18s
Skill Charges: 2

FL4K • Borderlands 3 – Skill Tree Calculator (2024)


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Article information

Author: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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Views: 5545

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Author information

Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

Birthday: 1994-06-25

Address: Suite 153 582 Lubowitz Walks, Port Alfredoborough, IN 72879-2838

Phone: +128413562823324

Job: IT Strategist

Hobby: Video gaming, Basketball, Web surfing, Book restoration, Jogging, Shooting, Fishing

Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.