[30 Test Answers] LETRS Unit 7: Sessions 1 to 6 – Test Pinoy (2024)

We have compiled all the test answers to LETRS Unit 7 Sessions 1–6 so you can ace this exam with no problem at all.

Language Essentials for Teachers of Reading and Spelling (LETRS) Unit 7

Session 1

Question 1: With first-grade students, how much instructional time should be spent on English language arts?
Answer: 2 hours or more

Question 2: Teachers should depend heavily on the results of screeners such as Acadience Reading K-6 Next to determine what skills should be taught to students.
Answer: False

Question 3: By second grade, the most effective approach to teaching reading comprehension emphasizes:
Answer: all of the above in roughly equal proportion

Question 4: Which of the following is not a criterion for high-quality text?
Answer: relevant to what’s going on that day

Question 5: One test of a robust curriculum in grades K-3 is whether, upon walking into a classroom, an observer can tell what students are learning about.
Answer: True

Session 2

Question 1: The students most likely to benefit from strategy instruction are those who (Select all that apply):
Answer: are in grades four and above; have acquired good decoding skills but aren’t familiar with a particular strategy

Question 2: The best time to employ strategy instruction is when:
Answer: students are ready for it, in the context of lessons with a larger purpose

Question 3: Which of these steps in the “gradual release of responsibility” of strategy instruction is out of sequence?
Answer: The teacher models the thinking process by thinking aloud.

Question 4: Good readers tend to move on, even when the passage is not making sense to them.
Answer: False

Question 5: “Imagine what would happen if the polar ice caps melted” is an example of what type of question?
Answer: Creating

Session 3

Question 1: Well-designed questions (select all that apply):
Answer: are text dependent AND focus on the “why” and “how” of a topic

Question 2: Which of the following is an example of elaborative/questioning?
Answer: “Would you have reacted the same way the girl did?”

Question 3: “How do you know that she liked her new home?” is an example of:
Answer: implicit questioning

Question 4: Teaching comprehension can be accomplished by testing students with multiple-choice questions after they’ve completed independent reading.
Answer: False

Question 5: Pivotal points to ask questions include places where(select all that apply):
Answer: sentences connect to one another; meanings of new words become clear; students should grasp how the text’s discourse is organized.

Session 4

Question 1: What is the purpose of after-reading activities? Select all that apply.
Answer: They let students transform the information into a new format; They help students see reading as more than a chore; They check students’ comprehension of key ideas.

Question 2: According to research, which practice is essential for building an enduring mental model of a text?
Answer: reading the text multiple times with varied purposes

Question 3: Which of the following is an after-reading activity?
Answer: summarizing the main ideas from the text

Question 4: According to research, what macro processes help students “own” the information from a text?
Answer: selecting, ordering, and transforming the main ideas

Question 5: Why are after-reading activities effective?
Answer: They reinforce the structure and purpose of the text.

Session 5

Question 1: Which of the following statements is true?
Answer: Teachers should explicitly teach the text structure of both informational and narrative texts.

Question 2: When should teachers introduce the purpose of a text?
Answer: before the first read

Question 3: Vocabulary activities before reading should focus primarily on which type(s) of language? Select all that apply.
Answer: Tier 2 vocabulary words; figurative languages and idiomatic phrases

Question 4: An effective reading comprehension lesson will include (select all that apply):
Answer: an introduction of background knowledge needed to comprehend the text; a graphic organizer that helps students visualize the structure of the text; an after-reading activity to transform information from the text into a new format; questions to ask during reading, tied to specific places in the text

Question 5: Teachers should do all of the following during reading, except:
Answer: explicitly teach Tier 2 vocabulary words

Session 6

Question 1: All of the following are features of African American English except:
Answer: speakers often form sentences without a subject

Question 2: What kind of vocabulary instruction may be appropriate for English Learners, but is not usually needed for native English speakers?
Answer: definitions and examples for Tier I vocabulary words

Question 3: Which of the following statements about dialects are true? Select all that apply.
Answer: dialects have rules for grammar and punctuation; dialect speakers often have difficulty translating speech into print

Question 4: What is code-switching?
Answer: the ability to switch between a nonstandard dialect and Standard English depending on the situation (NOT A)

Question 5: What is a best practice when working with dialect speakers?
Answer: Build language awareness so that students can code-switch between their dialect and Standard English

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  2. LETRS Unit 2
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  6. LETRS Unit 6
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[30 Test Answers] LETRS Unit 7: Sessions 1 to 6 – Test Pinoy (2024)


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In Unit 7, Text-Driven Comprehension Instruction, participants will understand how include comprehension in instruction, determine comprehension strategies to use during and after reading, monitor comprehension through questioning, recognize what students should do after reading, use a process for planning ...

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There are two main assessments within LETRS. One is after Units 1-4 and the other is after Units 5-8. Both assessments must be passed to meet the READ Act Training Requirement. Passing score expectations are 80% for each assessment to receive the READ Act designation.

Which is the most effective technique for supporting students' expressive oral language development in school? ›

Storytelling can teach children many language skills, including oral language comprehension. Hearing a story requires children to be active listeners. Teachers can ask children to make predictions and answer meaningful questions. After telling a story, encourage children to retell the story.

What kind of vocabulary instruction may be appropriate for English learners but is usually needed for native English speakers? ›

research suggests that English learners will benefit most from rich, intensive vocabulary instruction that emphasizes “student-friendly” definitions,9 that engages students in the meaningful use of word meanings in reading, writing, speaking, and listening,10 and that provides regular review.

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Unit assessments (10 questions) are given at the end of each LETRS unit. Volumes 1 and 2 each have four unit assessments. The unit assessment is not timed, and you can reference your notes or manual.

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Time to complete LETRS

The time to complete the reading, online, and Bridge to Practice activities will vary, but as a rough guide, each volume takes approximately 48-60 hours of individual study to complete. Online course (including reading/participant manual): approximately eight hours per unit.

What are the three oral language skills? ›

Oral language components

Oral languageCommunication through speaking and listening. , the complex system that relates sounds to meanings, is made up of three components: the phonological, semantic, and syntactic (Lindfors, 1987). The phonological component involves the rules for combining sounds.

How to help students who struggle with expressive language? ›

There are many simple things you can do day-to-day to support children's expressive language skills, particularly if they're having difficulties.
  1. Talk – a lot.
  2. Ask different types of questions.
  3. Offer choices.
  4. Play lots of games.
  5. Model good grammar and sentences.
  6. Use alternate forms of communication.

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One strategy is collaboration and conversation. By putting students in small groups or partnerships and giving them pre-selected topics to discuss, scripts to practice together, or questions to work on answering, you give them a chance to listen to one another and put their oral language skills to use.

What are tier 1 words for ELLs? ›

Tier 1 words are words that ELLs typically know the concept of in their primary language, but not the label in English. For example, a Tier 1 word might be butterfly. This is a word that English language learners may not know, but it can be easily taught by pointing to a picture of a butterfly during text discussion.

How to teach phonics to ELL? ›

There are several effective techniques to teach phonics to ESL students:
  1. Introduce the sounds.
  2. Use phonics charts.
  3. Word-building activities.
  4. Multi-sensory activities.
  5. Phonics games.
  6. Contextualize phonics.
  7. Review and reinforcement.
Jun 19, 2023

What are tier 2 words for ELLs? ›

Tier two words are the most important words for direct instruction because they are good indicators of a student's progress through school. Examples of tier two words are: masterpiece, fortunate, industrious, measure, and benevolent. There are about 7,000 word families in English (or 700 per year) in tier two.

What is one of the the seven reading principles? ›

To improve students' reading comprehension, teachers should introduce the seven cognitive strategies of effective readers: activating, inferring, monitoring-clarifying, questioning, searching-selecting, summarizing, and visualizing-organizing.

What is the main focus of LETRS training? ›

LETRS is comprehensive literacy and language professional development that accelerates teacher knowledge. It is based on years of teacher knowledge research, teacher learning, and reading development. It is flexible and provides the tools needed for teachers to successfully bridge learning into classroom practice.

What is the most challenging sentence writing skill? ›

sentences. The most challenging aspect for novice writers in English is a verb in the sentence. Students also find it challenging to understand the difference between 'is' and 'are' as main and helping verbs. For most of them, these verbs cannot be main verbs.

Which is an example of elaborative questioning? ›

However, the focus of EI is prompting students to generate an explanation for an explicitly stated fact by questions like, “Why is this true?”, “Why does it make sense that … ?”, “Why would this fact be true of this [X] and not some other [X]?” EI involves discerning both similarities and differences or distinctiveness ...


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